Video compositing excellence in the MAX Unawards #AdobeCP

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Leonard Nimoy

Image via Wikipedia

This is a great bit of technology based on a Flash Media server. We were asked to make an acceptance speech for a fictitious awards show, and to try to use a Star Trek theme for the speech, since Leonard Nimoy is hosting the REAL MAX awards this year. Contestants upload a video shot from their webcam, and the server injects it into some canned content. Of course, there's moving text from the entry form that gets added as well, so it's not just a "put it in a square and there it is" kind of video compositing.

Of course, I would be remiss if I didn't ask you to watch and vote on my entry.

I mention this because it shows clearly the power of Flash and its delivery platforms to not only deliver engaging content, but also to facilitate creating that content on the fly. The application asks for a few pieces of information (your name and contest category) and proceeds to grabbing some video. The application detects all of the video inputs available on the machine and displays them in a grid. The contestant then chooses the feed they want to record, and they're off to the races. Very simple, and with just about every laptop and tons of desktops having webcams built-in, there's some interesting business applications here.

When doing this exercise, I think of companies in hospitality, cruises, vacations and the like who might use this kind of service to get people excited about taking a vacation. Ride a roller coaster, stand on the edge of a volcano, or even shake hands with a dead movie star. Then, share it with your friends as you book the real life experience (well, not the shaking hands with the dead star, of course...). Pretty slick. It also provides a way for venues to use viral methods to promote their services by putting guests into videos that feature themed overlays (like Cinderella's castle or the gateway to the Pirate's Den) and letting them post the videos to YouTube directly from the venue.

Very cool, Adobe.
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1 Comment

HI James
this is quite interesting and full of sarcasm wit.really good work

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This page contains a single entry by James Lockman published on October 17, 2010 5:29 PM.

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