The Dreamweaver CS5 recertification exam is now available at I've successfully completed the exam, so I can now call myself a Dreamweaver CS5 ACE.
If you're interested in becoming an ACE, visit the Adobe Certification page. While the CS5 proctored exams aren't yet available at PearsonVUE, the re-certifications for InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop ARE available now at Keep an eye out for the proctored exams, and also for more re-certification exams in the near future.
Hi James,
I want to become an ACE at Dreamweaver CS5, but I am wondering why the test is called a recertification exam. The name seems to imply that there is a prerequisite exam. Do you know if this is true, or is it just that the test is applicable to recertification as well as initial certification? Thank you, Jennifer
Hi, Jennifer.
There are two exams: the ACE Certification Exam offered at a PearsonVUE testing center near you, and the ACE Recertification Exam, offered by Testrac to people who have already passed a previous exam in a testing center. The testing center exams cost $150 and the recertifications cost $50. In order to take a recertification exam, you must pass a certification exam.
You can find a PearsonVue testing center at
Once you pass the CS5 exam in the testing center, you'll be able to take the recertifications at
Was the exam hard?
Can you tell us about the exam? Was it multiple choice? Any coding involved? Did you have to do any on screen actions? Any examples of a question? How long was it for? What is the pass mark? How did you study for it? Recommend any books?
Hard is, of course, relative. All of the ACE exams are multiple choice, which means that you won't have to write HTML or CSS, but you will have to identify which HTML or CSS is correct when presented with choices. As for examples, visit the Adobe Certified Community page. They have some sample questions there. I don't recall the pass mark. I use the program, so that's my study guide. I also have been using Dreamweaver since the Studio 8 days, so the recertification is more about new features than old workflows.
PearsonVUE is much more used in Europe as an exam provider, they need to start offering it. But that is besides the point I guess. Was the exam about real world examples? I've done Microsoft stuff and all the questions were about the product (where to click to open a tool etc.), not using it to make something that works actually
These exams are not click-through or real-world exams, although they do test knowledge of the software. There are certainly the menu pick questions, but others are about workflow and higher level subjects like color management and asset management. It's a good mix, despite being multiple choice.
Love your site!!
Congratulation james, I know i am bit late. So some questions from me too.
I am working on CS4 and planning for the same. i use it as my default tool to code and design.
Any suggestion how can i prepare for the exam.
I prepare by using the product. It's also helpful to look at Adobe's lists of new features that you can find at It is also very helpful to go through the menus and see what the names of the menu picks are, since several questions will be really only about how well you know the menus.
It is also important to know workflows. Be sure you know at least how to connect to ColdFusion and to SVN.
Murray Summers has a decent preparation course at ExamAids You might want to dig into that before taking the ACE.
Lastly, have you passed the CS4 ACE? If so, then you can take the recertification at Testrac and save some money.
Good luck!