My 3 year old black MacBook is showing its age. One of the things I had been noticing lately is that the battery life has been on the decline. This is distressing since the computer just passed its 3 year birthday, when it went off of AppleCare. I checked on it with Coconut Battery, and was told that its capacity had dwindled to about half if its original capacity.
I remembered a simple trick for rejuvenating batteries, though. Completely discharge the battery and then recharge it fully. Repeat a couple of times, and check the results. I pulled the plug last night, turned the screen brightness all the way up, changed the energy settings to never sleep or shut down, and left the computer on overnight. By the morning, it was dead as a doornail. I put it on the charger, and after the charge, Coconut Battery reported that I had recovered all of my capacity and then some.

Thanks for the info.
I can now show-off to my gf cos she was just complaining about her macbook's battery the other day. I'll make sure to mention your site to her after that :)