Disappointed with my fellow Mainers

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Yesterday, the voters of Maine voted to repeal a same sex marriage law that the legislature had enacted last spring. Maine became a focus of national attention, and with it, national money and campaigning. It is unfortunate that outside interests with deep pockets can poison the issue and turn the issue from one of equal treatment for all into one of, let's face it, religious opinion.

The Pilgrims left England over religious persecution. Today, tax paying citizens face the same religious persecution in the form of scare tactic ads promising the gay-ification of our schools. There was another issue on the ballot calling itself the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, and another one looking to limit excise taxes on new (6 yrs old or less) cars. Both of these were defeated, so our taxes will remain among the highest in the nation for another year or two, anyway.

Now, I know that this is going to sound stereotypical, but my gay friends and acquaintances are folks who earn decent money, have no kids, and like to spend. Now, who do you want in your town, propping up your school departments? The retirees, the new homeowners, the struggling small businesses, or the well-to-do couple with no kids and no drain on the tax base?

Of course, people live where they work, and it is unlikely that these couples will not pick up stakes and bolt for Massachusetts. However, in our Internet economy, where you live is less and less important, so there may be little to keep these couples here.

Shame on you, Maine, for shooting down an opportunity to attract more highly paid, intelligent, and creative people to our otherwise lackluster economy. Shame on you, Maine, for caving to outside interests. And shame on you, Maine, for not doing the right thing.
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