While visiting family in Woodbridge, CT this weekend, I had to go to the Walgreen's to get some rash cream for Zeke, and on the way back, I must have caught the local constable's attention. A few minutes from having pulled into the driveway, the constable knocks on the door and tells me that my car's registration is expired, and that I had better step outside to explain the situation to him and to the other officer. Of course, I was able to produce proper paperwork and the officers politely apologized for the confusion and left.
The reason for their confusion is that in Maine, each type of license plate can have its own custom plate. In our case, we have a Combination Plate and a regular Passenger Car plate, each with the tag "YPMB." The car with the expired plate is the one about which I called Car Talk and was on the air last year, and it is a passenger car. The Connecticut license plate rules apparently don't allow this, and so both officers were, safe to say, thrown for a loop with this one.
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