3 GB of RAM makes a difference

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I upgraded my MacBook's RAM from 2 GB to 3GB in anticipation of Snow Leopard. I haven't done the SL upgrade yet, but I am enjoying the overall performance improvement with the additional RAM. This particular MacBook won't see more than 3.3GB of RAM, so I opted to have asymmetry in the RAM sticks in favor of volume. It was a good choice.

Most noticeable is the improvement in Parallels. I upped the VM RAM to 1300 MB from 1000 MB, and whoosh! the machine runs cooler and faster due to reduced paging. Parallels has its max capacity (2148MB) allocated to it for overhead. I am sure there is some optimal tuning to be done, but that's a task for later.
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This page contains a single entry by James Lockman published on September 4, 2009 8:07 PM.

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